Jorma Ikavalko


In the early 2000s, taking care of the environment and finding ways to reduce our carbon use was an important consideration in building our lake home. We installed a lake-source geothermal heating system for home heating and hot water needs, used environmentally friendly roof shingles, stains and windows. In 2020, I bought my first electric car.

Since moving to Briar Hill, I have been actively promoting the reduction of natural gas consumption through the use of air-sourced heat pumps to replace air conditioners to provide both heat and cooling.

In my corporate life, I provide IT services to client organizations at General Motors and EDS. After several years of IT consulting, I had a successful renovation business in the Toronto and Muskoka markets for 15 years.

I served as Treasurer, and then Chair of the Board, of the Toronto Finnish Seniors Centre board for 17 years and Secretary of the West Parry Sound Smart Community Networks Board for 10 years. I currently serve as Treasurer for our Condo Board.